Bill Horton Way
From raw ground to a fully functional industrial subdivision for multiple clients
Although Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings (PEMBs) are by no means the largest part of our business, we have done a good number of them and have a particular understanding of best practices in their use and how, with creative interpretation, they can be successfully fitted up in numerous creative ways. For Bill Horton Way, we were developers and undertook the complete project beginning with site work, connection to town roads and the construction of retention ponds. Project design was conducted in-house at MHCM and was focused on maximizing lot coverage for the clients who would be occupying the five separate PEMBs for their business premises.
MHCM oversaw the placement of the PEMBs and conducted complete interior fit ups for manufacturing and warehouse facilities, according to the needs of the eventual occupants.
The results are impressive and the clients are happy to be working in custom-built, highly efficient and productive space created by a committed local firm. An intriguing variety of endeavors are occupying the new buildings:
- Red Cedar Landscaping/Savatree. Landscaping supply store
- G Bopp – North American headquarters of the Swiss company that makes high end stainless steel mesh.
- Unity Mechanical Corporation – Provides HVAC installation, repair and maintenance
- SMK Corbin Excavating & Equipment – Excavation services for residential and other projects
- Anderson Center for Autism – A lifeLong Learning Center for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder